Student Life

Our Differentiators


Stellar Virtual emphasizes the individuality of every student. We provide personalized learning paths designed to identify your skills, values, and interests, enhance your strengths, and develop your goals. Our program is designed asynchronously so you can learn on a daily schedule that fits your needs. We provide multi-modal teacher support via feedback, live lessons, and small group, and individual sessions. This is your school, your way.

Education with Destination

Stellar Virtual provides students with the opportunity to get foundational skills in their chosen areas of interest. We tie education and learning objectives to practical application. Personal learning plans help you understand the importance of what you are currently doing and how it ties into your future goals, including how to pursue high-wage, high-demand jobs near home.

School of One

Stellar Virtual strives to create a school environment with social interactions and synchronous support while also addressing the needs of the individual. You are important and our team takes the time to get to know you, listen to you, and support you on your educational journey.